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Supernatural in the DC universe

Supernatural in the DC Universe
Dean and Sam Winchester were hunting a trickster in a small town, when they suddenly found themselves in a dark alley, surrounded by thugs. They reached for their guns, but realized they were gone. Instead, they were wearing costumes that looked like Batman and Robin.
"What the hell?" Dean exclaimed, looking at his black cape and cowl.
"Dean, I think we're in some kind of comic book world," Sam said, noticing his red and green outfit.
"Great, just great. How do we get out of here?" Dean asked.
"Maybe we should play along. Maybe the trickster will let us go if we do what he wants," Sam suggested.
"Or maybe he'll kill us if we don't," Dean said.
Before they could argue more, the thugs attacked them. Dean and Sam fought back, using their fists and feet. They were surprised to find that they had some enhanced strength and agility, as if they were really superheroes.
They managed to knock out most of the thugs, but one of them pulled out a knife and stabbed Dean in the chest.
"Dean!" Sam shouted, running to his brother.
Dean fell to the ground, blood gushing from his wound. He looked at Sam with a pained expression.
"Sammy, I don't think I'm gonna make it," he said.
"No, no, no, you're gonna be fine, Dean. Just hang on, okay? Hang on," Sam said, trying to stop the bleeding.
Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky. They looked up and saw a man flying towards them. He was wearing a blue suit, a red cape, and a yellow S on his chest.
"Is that... Superman?" Dean asked, weakly.
"It is," Sam said, in awe.
The man landed next to them and looked at Dean.
"Who are you? What happened to you?" he asked, in a deep voice.
"We're... we're Batman and Robin," Dean said, coughing.
"Batman and Robin? But you're not the real Batman and Robin. You're impostors," Superman said, suspiciously.
"No, we're not. We're... we're from another world. A trickster brought us here. He's playing a game with us," Sam explained.
"A trickster? What kind of trickster?" Superman asked.
"A supernatural one. He can create illusions and manipulate reality. He's very dangerous," Sam said.
"I see. Well, I can help you. I can take you to the Justice League. Maybe they can figure out a way to send you back to your world," Superman said.
"Justice League? What's that?" Dean asked.
"It's a team of superheroes. I'm one of them. So are Batman and Robin. The real ones, I mean," Superman said.
"Wait, there are real Batman and Robin here? And other superheroes?" Dean asked.
"Of course. This is the DC Universe. Haven't you heard of it?" Superman asked.
"No, we haven't. We're from a different universe. A more... realistic one," Sam said.
"Realistic? How so?" Superman asked.
"Well, for starters, we don't have superheroes. We have hunters. We hunt monsters and demons and other evil things," Sam said.
"Monsters and demons? That sounds terrifying," Superman said.
"It is. But we have to do it. It's our job. It's our family business," Sam said.
"Family business? You mean you're brothers?" Superman asked.
"Yeah, we're brothers. Dean is my older brother. He's the best hunter I know. He's also the best brother I know," Sam said, looking at Dean with love.
Dean smiled weakly at Sam.
"Thanks, Sammy. You're not so bad yourself," he said.
Superman was touched by their bond. He decided to trust them.
"Okay, I believe you. You're not impostors. You're just victims of a trickster. Come on, I'll take you to the Justice League. Maybe they can help you," he said.
He lifted Dean in his arms and gestured for Sam to follow him.
"Thank you, Superman. You're a lifesaver," Sam said.
"Don't mention it. It's what I do," Superman said.
He flew into the air, with Sam holding onto his cape. They soared over the city, heading towards a large building that looked like a hall of justice.
As they flew, they noticed something strange. The city looked different. It looked more colorful and cartoonish. The people looked more exaggerated and stylized. The buildings looked more fantastical and futuristic.
"What's going on? Why does everything look different?" Sam asked.
"I don't know. Maybe it's another trick of the trickster. Maybe he's changing the reality of this world," Superman said.
"Or maybe he's changing us. Maybe he's making us see things differently," Dean said.
"Either way, it's not good. We have to find him and stop him. Before he does something worse," Superman said.
They continued to fly, hoping to reach the Justice League soon. They hoped to find a way to end the trickster's game and return to their own world. They hoped to survive this crazy adventure.
They hoped to see each other again.
Supernatural in the DC universe

Supernatural in the DC universe


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